Mittwoch, 19. April 2006
zwei stunden lang funktioniert das firmen-email nicht, und was ist die erste nachricht die sich anschliessend durchkämpft?


I am not sure I know where to begin, it is first time I try to use internet to meet the man. Just the thing is, that I will work abroad for 6 months. I can choice
USA, Canada or Europe and I would like to meet the man to share free evenings and be my guide.

I think I don't have to be alone because I am afraid to be alone and it is my first time I leave home for along time. My friends helped me to send a few letters
to different addresses and I do hope that I am lucky to meet good and kind man.

You should know that I live in Russia I so much would like to see new countries and maybe try to stay there because there are not many chances here for youg pretty woman.
They tell I look well enough,I am blonde with blue eyes,I am natural blonde.I will send a few photos if you reply.

If you don't have wife nor girlfriend ,maybe we could try to meet?

I am free I have not children and I have not boyfriend documents for travel will be ready soon and I have to be
sure that somebody mays meet me and I will be not alone, I repeat I hate to be alone in foreign country.

I am 25 years old ,please write to me directly to my mail -

See you soon, with great hope.

Boleslava Bekboulatov

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Hört sich gut an - aber ich bin vergeben

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Bei der Emailadresse "cannibal" werde ich nachdenklich. Vielleicht mal anschreiben und Kochrezepte austauschen?

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ja, klingt interessant.

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das wär dann was für die frau meisterköchin.

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